Here is a re-post of this interesting interview. (partial)
Right after starting Hispanic Trending, while searching for good information sources to share with you, I ran into the "Ask Mariví?" Blog. It immediately caught my attention. Featuring observations & comments about design for Latino appeal, Mariví Chong shares great insights with her readers and because them has been featured in Packworld Magazine, Shelf Impact and Entrepreneur Magazine.
Mariviglasses_1Mariví, with 10 years of professional experience, is a communications designer at R.BIRD, New York. She has a Bachelor of Arts and a Master in Computer Graphics.
Bilingual and Latina by birth and heritage (born in Lima, Perú) she has first hand experience designing consumer products for both the Latin and US markets. Her unique mix of expertise includes Brand & Package Design, a background in Corporate ID and Advertising.
To reactivate the “Wonder Mujer / Super Hombre OnHispanics” interview series it is my pleasure to share with you Mariví’s take on Latino Marketing and Advertising.
Hispanic Trending: What trends are you observing in the Hispanic market growth?
Mariví: I am seeing more new products, variants or line extensions inspired by Latino tastes or scent preferences. A good example is Beech-Nut Naturales baby food (click on Hispanic Variety, under search by type), which besides introducing unique baby food flavors that are more appealing to Hispanics, they have taken care to extend their Brand with a new label.
Another trend is greater numbers in translation for everyday brands like Tide laundry detergent or Folgers coffee, among others.
And more magazine ads in Spanish from brands like Aveeno, Matrix, Neutrogena, L'Oreal, Clairol, Kellogg's, Toyota, Verizon, Colgate, etc.
How do you refer to the largest minority in the country, Latino or Hispanic? Why?
I use the term Hispanic most of the time. I find it more accurate and proper to use because of its main significance which is people whose country's official language is Spanish. I use the "Latino" term in instances where I am talking about a cultural theme. Latino is a warmer word that carries tradition, feelings, language, memories and many other good things.
What language should be utilized when marketing to Latinos Spanish, English, or Spanglish? Why?
English should be utilized overall when younger generations more educated audiences prefer it. Spanish should be a complement and is very useful for those who feel more comfortable in this language or for those who don't speak English. Consider who your target audience is and how you want the message to be understood.
Which source of information would you recommend to someone interested in learning more about the Latino Market?
The Hispanic Almanac and The Census Bureau.
Who is doing a great job marketing to Hispanics? Why?
McDonald's is doing a great job with their "Me Encanta" advertising campaign. Instead of translating literally "I'm lovin' it" they have found the right thing to say. Why? The "Me Encanta" expression in Spanish hits the right spot because it has a very positive attitude. It's a very nice thing to say something "enchants" (delights you) you in Spanish, the meaning is so much different from English.
Ford is also doing a great job with its "Amigos-Familia" ads. Hispanics enjoy sharing almost every event with their friends and family, even if it is very small. If you are getting a car, it is a big deal. Focusing the ads in the joy of sharing it with your "Amigos and Familia" it is just great. is full of special interest themes, from "How To Buy a House" to "Immigration" to "Entertainment". It is one of few sites I have found with Hispanic relevant content that is up to date. They have articles I don't find in any English-only web or TV channel.
Source: Hispanic Trending
To read more, click here.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Princess Maxima of The Netherlands, has a Hispanic Flair

Spanish Royals have a Hispanic Flair, por supuesto! but/pero, lovely Argentinian born, Dutch Princess Maxima of The Netherlands is visiting her native country in an official visit for the first time with Queen Beatriz and husband Prince me this Royal House has a Hispanic Flair thanks gracias to Maxima.
Americans have celebrities....Spanish speaking people have them as well, but we also have Royals in our favorite list of interesting people to watch. Disfrute!
Images from Getty.
Juan Diego Florez - Peruvian Amazing International Tenor

I am proud to inform you that Peruvian tenor, Juan Diego Florez has launched a new CD, Sentimiento Latino.
To find more information, here it is site.
Image from:
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Up to Date - Manteniéndote al Tanto - Hispanic News
This week I am out but have not forget about you and our Hispanic notes of interest. Here are some titles worth having a peak, they all come from Hispanic PR Wire. Enjoy, Disfrute!
1. Hispanics Today, el primer programa de televisión transmitido nacionalmente para la comunidad hispana de negocios, presentará un análisis exhaustivo del debate acerca de la inmigración.
2. Hispanic Women Are Taking Charge of the Grill. Weber Hispanic GrillWatch(TM) survey reveals national grilling trends
1. Hispanics Today, el primer programa de televisión transmitido nacionalmente para la comunidad hispana de negocios, presentará un análisis exhaustivo del debate acerca de la inmigración.
2. Hispanic Women Are Taking Charge of the Grill. Weber Hispanic GrillWatch(TM) survey reveals national grilling trends
Welcome Back, Bienvenida de Regreso Adamari!!!

Lovely Adamari Lopez, great young Latina actress is finally back after struggling with Breast Cancer. Here is good article from HPRW.
New York, NY--(HISPANIC PR WIRE)--March 28, 2006--In tears, and for the first time since her cancer diagnosis kept her away from the media, Puerto Rican actress Adamari López talks to People en Español about this painful event in her life. Likewise, López shares with the magazine's editors the details of her relationship with the popular singer Luis Fonsi and where their relationship is leading.
“Fonsi asked me to get in the car and said to me, ‘The biopsy results are in, and they are positive,’” retells López to People en Español in tears, referring to the day when her fiancé Luis Fonsi told her the news that would change her life forever. Although at that time López did not know how advanced her breast cancer was, nor that she would need multiple tests, operations, evasive treatments, and reconstructive surgeries, she did imagine that the following months would be painful not only for her, but also for her partner.
Ironically, the news arrived the same day Fonsi was starting to record his Paso a Paso album, which he was temped to put a halt. “He thought, ‘I am going to stop doing this for now,’ and I told him, ‘No, don't stop, because this will be your escape,’” explains López. Full of courage, and with the love of her life by her side, the actress started the exhausting treatments; among them, chemotherapy, which made her lose her beautiful hair.
Time has passes, and even though her hair has started to grow back, López still has to undergo additional reconstructive surgeries. For Fonsi, the lesson has been learned. “You never know what tomorrow might bring,” explains the singer.
Source & Image: Hispanic PR Wire.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Shakira in Elle Magazine - April 2006

Yes, yes I know what you are going to say.....that I am a Shakira fan. Actually I consider myself a Shakira admirer which is different because I look up to her great music work and thinking.... Like Elle magazine says....(here is an excerp from Aaron Gell).."for the Colombian conquistadora of global pop, it's not all about romance, -its remembering the forgotten, caring for the abandoned, changing the world." isn't that nice?
Forgive my English - Perdone mi Inglés
My first language is Spanish, for that reason forgive me if my grammar or expressions do not reflect one of an English only person. Thanks. Gracias.
Bilingual Packaging - Minute Maid Limonada

I am not a supermarket freak. With that said it means to me that I do not explore with many different products available in the market, I usually stick to my basic staples and maybe I will try a new product out there. As for the rest of Latinos, or for many like me, we get happy to see a Limeade from Minute Maid....finally I can drink Limonada. Slowly but shortly little details like this of copy in Spanish really target us.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Shakira launches her World Tour in Madrid

Shakira starts her new world tour, she is in Madrid, Spain to launch it and rock the world with her unique music.
Note: in the current issue of EllE Magazine her music style has been compared to the one of Madonna's, you know exploring many different kinds of music, in Shakira's case Bossa Nova, Rock, Rock en Españo, Baladas, etc.
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Gloria and Emilio Estefan donate $1 Million to Human Cause
How nice to find more Hispanic celebrities working for Human causes. It is not a surprise that Gloria and Emilio Estefan have a great heart. They are donating $1 Million Dollars to Project To Cure Paralysis.
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Thalia and March of Dimes

To create awareness about premature births, Thalia is supporting the "paper shoe campaign" for March of Dimes. You can contribute just like her by buying a one dollar 'paper shoe' at Kmart which will help this noble cause.
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Thalia Rings Nasdaq Bell NYC

Famous Mexican born, Singer, Actress Thalia Sodi rings the bell from Nasdaq today in NYC. In the picture above we can see Kmart's logo, the retail store where she currently sells a line of clothing with her name.
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Dairy Food with Hispanic Flair
Here is an article (2003) about food with the Latino consumer in mind, worth while posting it here.
By Donna Berry
With a little more than 13% of the U.S. population (about 38.6 million Americans) being of Hispanic descent, it would be foolish to ignore this powerhouse consumer demographic when formulating and marketing dairy foods. Amazingly, Hispanics account for more than half of the total population growth in the United States.
It is important to note that Hispanic market growth is skewing young. In fact, about two-thirds of all U.S. Hispanics are under the age of 34, whereas only 44% of the general market is less than 34 years old. U.S. Census 2000 shows that 70% of all U.S. Hispanics reside in six states—California (31.1%), Texas (18.9%), New York and New Jersey (11.3%), Florida (7.6%) and Illinois (4.3%). The remaining 26.8% of U.S. Hispanics are spread across the country, with several cities in the northwest and southeast becoming hot spots. This is crucial information for marketers.
Dairy foods, particularly flavored milk beverages, are a favorite among Hispanics. According to the MilkPEP Hispanic Tracker 2003, Hispanic moms claim significantly higher consumption of milk for their children as compared to general market moms. We're talking 3.6 daily glasses for Hispanic kids vs. 2.2 for the general market! Flavored milks represent 39% of milk consumption among Hispanics, as compared to 16% for the general market.
This supports the introduction of numerous milk and dairy-based beverages that have Hispanic flair. For example, Rosa's Original, LLC, Glenview, Ill., markets Rosa's Original Horchata. This traditional Mexican beverage is made with water, milk, rice and flavorings. The line started out with a traditional cinnamon flavor, and soon included melon and strawberry varieties. Rosa's Horchatas are the first, and so far the only horchatas to be sold in shelf-stable, single-serve (15-oz) glass bottles.
Kefir-leader Lifeway Foods Inc., Morton Grove, Ill., expanded beyond its Russian roots with LaFruta drinkable yogurt. This single-serve (8-oz) refrigerated plastic bottle line is particularly attractive to Hispanics because of the beverages' sweet flavor profiles and bright colors. Recently the company rolled out two authentic Hispanic LaFruta flavors: Horchata and Tres Leche.
World-renowned chef Wolfgang Puck is also appealing to Hispanic consumers with the dulce de leche flavor in his new four-variety line of coffee-milk drinks. Made with low-fat milk, shelf-stable Wolfgang Puck Gourmet Lattes are packaged in 11-oz glass bottles. Rich espresso, rich mocha and French vanilla join dulce de leche. All varieties are sold as either individual units or in four packs.
Hispanic flavors work well in many types of foods. It just so happens that the dairy industry also has the franchise on another food group popular among Hispanics—ice cream and frozen n Manufacturers across the country are formulating frozen desserts with names like Tres Leche con Fresca, Ensalada de Fruta and TrioTropical.
If you have any doubts when contemplating the addition of a "Hispanic" flavor or two to your product lines, think back to the days when salsa first went mainstream. Now, think about where salsa is today.
Donna Berry
Product Development Editor Donna Berry applies her expertise in dairy innovations in each month's Ingredient Technology feature.
By Donna Berry
With a little more than 13% of the U.S. population (about 38.6 million Americans) being of Hispanic descent, it would be foolish to ignore this powerhouse consumer demographic when formulating and marketing dairy foods. Amazingly, Hispanics account for more than half of the total population growth in the United States.
It is important to note that Hispanic market growth is skewing young. In fact, about two-thirds of all U.S. Hispanics are under the age of 34, whereas only 44% of the general market is less than 34 years old. U.S. Census 2000 shows that 70% of all U.S. Hispanics reside in six states—California (31.1%), Texas (18.9%), New York and New Jersey (11.3%), Florida (7.6%) and Illinois (4.3%). The remaining 26.8% of U.S. Hispanics are spread across the country, with several cities in the northwest and southeast becoming hot spots. This is crucial information for marketers.
Dairy foods, particularly flavored milk beverages, are a favorite among Hispanics. According to the MilkPEP Hispanic Tracker 2003, Hispanic moms claim significantly higher consumption of milk for their children as compared to general market moms. We're talking 3.6 daily glasses for Hispanic kids vs. 2.2 for the general market! Flavored milks represent 39% of milk consumption among Hispanics, as compared to 16% for the general market.
This supports the introduction of numerous milk and dairy-based beverages that have Hispanic flair. For example, Rosa's Original, LLC, Glenview, Ill., markets Rosa's Original Horchata. This traditional Mexican beverage is made with water, milk, rice and flavorings. The line started out with a traditional cinnamon flavor, and soon included melon and strawberry varieties. Rosa's Horchatas are the first, and so far the only horchatas to be sold in shelf-stable, single-serve (15-oz) glass bottles.
Kefir-leader Lifeway Foods Inc., Morton Grove, Ill., expanded beyond its Russian roots with LaFruta drinkable yogurt. This single-serve (8-oz) refrigerated plastic bottle line is particularly attractive to Hispanics because of the beverages' sweet flavor profiles and bright colors. Recently the company rolled out two authentic Hispanic LaFruta flavors: Horchata and Tres Leche.
World-renowned chef Wolfgang Puck is also appealing to Hispanic consumers with the dulce de leche flavor in his new four-variety line of coffee-milk drinks. Made with low-fat milk, shelf-stable Wolfgang Puck Gourmet Lattes are packaged in 11-oz glass bottles. Rich espresso, rich mocha and French vanilla join dulce de leche. All varieties are sold as either individual units or in four packs.
Hispanic flavors work well in many types of foods. It just so happens that the dairy industry also has the franchise on another food group popular among Hispanics—ice cream and frozen n Manufacturers across the country are formulating frozen desserts with names like Tres Leche con Fresca, Ensalada de Fruta and TrioTropical.
If you have any doubts when contemplating the addition of a "Hispanic" flavor or two to your product lines, think back to the days when salsa first went mainstream. Now, think about where salsa is today.
Donna Berry
Product Development Editor Donna Berry applies her expertise in dairy innovations in each month's Ingredient Technology feature.
Nymth Like Illustrations
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Paulina Rubio launches fashion collection in Spain
One of our favorites Latin Stars is launching a clothing line from Kiff-Kiff. She is the face for this Spring-Summer collection. As you know Paulina is very familiar with Spain, she lived there for several years when she was a host of a live show,
WireImage Pictures
More news/gossip from Paulina
WireImage Pictures
More news/gossip from Paulina
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Calle Ocho Festival - Images
If you like Jerry Rivera, Martha Picanes, Ricardo Chavez or Mary Gamarra, here is a link to some "Calle Ocho Festival" in Florida this week. ¡Disfrute!
Bilingual Ski Website - Hunter Mountain
It is so nice for me that Spanish is my first language to find a website that has additional information in my native language. I think this is also a reflection that many Hispanics/Latinos families have a better income to spend in extras and they are more accultured into Euro-American costumes (winter sports in this case).
Bravo for Hunter Mountain!
Bravo for Hunter Mountain!
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